Dineo Storm the mermaid found Dead in Limpopo Giyani

Dineo the mermaid found Dead at Giyani
Dineo has died - Dineo dead in giyane - Dineo cyclone found dead

Last week we were expecting a very big eruption in some parts of the countries.

A tropical cyclone named Dineo was said to be hitting Limpopo and all the Northern and western side of the countries.
But when Limpopo was said to be one of the provinces which will experience the cyclone a lot of people on the social medias made jokes out of it saying it's taking a chance because nobody messes with Limpopo as it's famous for its black magic.
Apparently the Limpopians weren't hit as hard as expected by the cyclone because it was not a cyclone but a mermaid after all.

The mermaid was found dead in Limpopo at Giyane.

No one seems to know what could have caused the death of the very feared creature but most keep saying Limpopo is no match for any evil.
